Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Several people have been asking me lately if i'm going back to work. The answer is yes, but not right now. My plan is to take the fall semester off to stay home with Avery (if she ever gets here...haha). I hope to find an open teaching position for the spring semester starting in January, but it all depends on what positions are open & available at that time. I still would love to go back to PreK, but the chances of a PreK position being open in January are very slim. We'll see what happens. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something amazing will come along. In the mean time i'm just trying to relax & take it easy because I know my days are numbers without Avery.

I've made an appointment to get a prenatal massage tomorrow. I'm so excited!! I was reading that this is one way to "naturally" induce labor. The relaxation releases hormones in your body that tells your baby it's time. I also read that eating pineapple & spicy food helps induce. I'm trying anything & everything. I have another doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon. I will update if he tells me anything interesting. As of last Thursday (July 31st) Avery was "head down", but I was "closed". Hopefully she has started her descent & she'll be here soon! I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

We're now at T minus 3 1/2 weeks (24 days!!)


Anonymous said...

Hang in there and stay COOL!!
Lori Vaughn

Vaughn Family Chaos said...

my mom told me she got pics, so where are some on the blog?? i am ready to see her...